Get a FREE copy of Wild Eye Magazine

Wild Eye Magazine is a new photography magazine that focuses on our natural wonders. From wildlife to underwater photography the latest photography magazine soon to arrive is sure to attract nature lovers. To celebrate its up and coming launch you can get the first issue for free - here’s how.

How to get Wild Eye Magazine for free

Getting your hands on a free copy of Wild Eye Magazine is refreshingly easy. You simply head over to the website and enter your email address. You’ll receive a confirmation message stating the team will contact you shortly regarding the first issue.

For now, the magazine will arrive in digital format, with the first issue due for release in September. The plan is to also release a quarterly physical magazine in 2025, alongside offering exclusive web content.

Dan Havlik is the magazine's Editor in Chief and he will spearhead its editorial direction. He’s the former EIC of Outdoor Photographer Magazine and ShutterBug and has a glittering resume when it comes to delivering photography content to the community.

Talking to Them Frames, Havlik explained the free first issue. He told us, “we're a new publication with an old lineage and we wanted to get people on board right away.” He continues, “so we thought the best way to do that was to give the first issue away for free…it should give readers a sense of what we're all about right off the bat”.

What to expect…

Within the magazine readers will enjoy photography features, which consist of established photographers sharing tips, techniques and their personal journeys. Content will also include stories behind the creation of epic images made within the nature and wildlife niches.

Beyond that, the editorial team will take readers on visual adventures, as the magazine uncovers the earth's best places to create stunning images. To lighten the mood, there will also be a selection of humorous photographs from the natural world.

If you’re big on gear, don’t worry you’re not excluded. Wild Eye Magazine will also cover the best and latest gear in the game. This will include detailed reviews of camera gear, as well as breaking news for new releases.

It’s an exciting time in magazine world and you can sign up for a free issue via the website.

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Dan Ginn

Dan Ginn is an Arts and Technology journalist specializing in photography and software products. He’s the former Arts & Culture Editor at The Phoblographer and has also featured in Buisness Insider, DPReview, DigitalTrends and more.

You can say hello to Dan via his website, Instagram and Twitter


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