The best social media for photographers - Get your work seen!

a photo of an iphone and social media apps

It feels like we’re always looking for the best social media for photographers. TikTok put Instagram into an identity crisis and the go-to for photographers became a shadow of its former self. With that, plenty of social media alternatives are becoming the home for so many images. In this article, we’re sharing the options currently available.

What is the Best Social Media for Photographers?

Defining the best social media for photographers isn’t straight forward. We all value different things. Some of us want a strong community, others want to reach the masses. For many, the sweet spot is both.

This selection of social media sites collectively ticks all the boxes. Let’s take a look at what they are. Keep reading as we’ll share each of them in more detail so you know exactly what you’re signing up for.

  • Threads - the best for microblogging about your photography.

  • Reddit - the best for receiving detailed feedback.

  • PortraitMode - the best social media for street photographers.

  • Foto - the best independent Instagram alternative.

  • Instagram - the best for global reach.

  • Website - the best for giving you full control over your photography.

Threads: The best social media for photographers

a screenshot of threads social media app

When X went into disarray Meta made the decision to offer a similar alternative. Threads is Zuckerberg’s microblogging platform that has quickly become a home for photographers.

The “Photographers of Threads” community is home to plenty of support. It also seems to offer more engagement than Musk’s X and Zuckerberg's Instagram. It’s also less toxic and you can exclude all the video content if you wish.

Them Frames has discovered several photographers via Threads, and many of the best photography podcasts too. It feels, at least right now, that it's the best spot to share images and keep up to speed with the photography community.

Reddit’s becoming the best social media for photographers

a screenshot of the reddit for photographers

Reddit can be a dangerous space. Mainly because there are so many subreddits it’s easy to get lost in the site. It also has many dedicated photographers communities. There’s a space for everyone to post, from specific camera brands, to photography genres like portrait photography and landscape photography.

Although there’s a lot of trolling in some groups, I feel the photography space is more supportive. None photographers often frequent the groups looking for help with editing, and many qualified photographers are happy to oblige pro bono.

If you’re not familiar with Reddit, it may be a small adjustment from the scrolling action on Instagram. However, it’s not difficult to grasp, and we think you will enjoy it more. Good conversations and great photos are bursting with life on Reddit.

PortraitMode best social media for street photographers

PortraitMode focuses solely on street photography and is available on the web, as well as iOS and Android. The people behind the platform say “[It’s a] community-driven platform that aims to allow you to present your work in the best possible way”.

As well as offering a traditional liking system, PortraitMode has several other cool offerings. It has an Editor’s choice gallery which is a curation of the editors favorite images from the platform's users. There are also opportunities for artist interviews.

The owners say the platform has over 10,000 active users. You won’t get a super large reach, but you do have better access to like minded people. There are some paid features too including feedback tokens for detailed community feedback on your photos.

Foto: social media for photographers in beta

the foto app

Foto is aiming to be the main substitute for photographers that are tired of Instagram’s shortcomings. A chronological feed free of ads is one of Foto’s main selling points.

It’s also a photo only app. This is fantastic for those that only want to consume photography, rather than short form video. Users can post uncropped images too, another feature lacking from Instagram.

Foto also states there will be less content moderation. You won’t be able to post explicit images but you won’t be removed for tasteful nude photography either. It’s available as an app, however the company is still only taking new users in periodic clusters. Look at their socials for when they next allow news users to sign up.

Instagram: The OG of mainstream photo sharing

a screenshot of instagram

We understand why Instagram is falling out of favor with so many photographers. Threatened by TikTok the platform began to push video over stills. This hurt a lot of photographers who have built a large following.

That said, for photographers who have adapted to Instagram's emphasis on Reels and Stories, they can still get a lot of benefits. A photography-themed reel can easily get tens of millions of views.

This is a great marketing opportunity for your work. Like it or not Instagram is amongst the top three social media platforms in the world and the others in this article can’t compete with Instagram’s reach. For those that play its game well, the chances to grow your brand or name are still plenty on Instagram.


dan ginn photography website

We get it, how can a personal website be one of the best social media for photographers? Although it’s not like traditional social media, you can build up a community within your website.

You also get full control of what types of content you post on your website. The rules are yours and only yours to make. You don’t have to deal with social media websites changing their algorithms or terms and conditions either.

Through mailing lists and specific subscriptions you can engage with others and keep them updated with new work. It’s also a good way for people to reach you and interact with you further about photography. If you need some inspiration for a website, check out our selection of the best photography websites.

Singing off

Now you know which social media is best for photographers, it’s time to go and share your work. In our opinion it is best not to get too hooked on socials. Photography can offer so much more than like and exposure.

It’s great for the heart, soul and your mental health. Use social media wisely but not chronically and we’re certain you will enjoy the experience more.


What social media is best for photographers?
For strong community and feedback, Threads and Reddit are good platforms for photographers. If you want the potential for global reach, Instagram is still number one.

What is better than Instagram for photographers?
Meta’s Threads is a good alternative to Instagram. Photographers report that they get more engagement on Threads when compared to Instagram. The community is also more positive and supportive.

Which platform is best for photography?
There are several options. Right now the best platforms for photography are Threads, Reddit, Foto and a personal website.

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Dan Ginn

Dan Ginn is an Arts and Technology journalist specializing in photography and software products. He’s the former Arts & Culture Editor at The Phoblographer and has also featured in Buisness Insider, DPReview, DigitalTrends and more.

You can say hello to Dan via his website, Instagram and Twitter


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