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The best photography websites to inspire you

Amy Lombard website

Website builders are excellent. The likes of Format, Squarespace et al have allowed the least tech-savvy photographer to build a personal space to show off their work outside of social media. Fantastic. The shortfall is that many websites lack originality, blending in with the other pre-made templates. Thankfully, this isn’t true for every photographer and in this article we’re highlighting the best photography websites to inspire you.

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I must confess, I’m guilty of having an unoriginal website. I took a template I liked and used it, with little to no modification. Of course, my work is what makes it different to others, but beyond that, there’s very little personal touch.

Having interviewed hundreds of the best photographers, I’ve had the pleasure of encountering some of the best photography websites around. The type of sites that immediately speak to you, that make you go “wow” this photographer really cares about this.

If you’re looking to splash more identity on your website, then these photographers will surely inspire you. Below are five of the best and I’m certain all of them will be the catalyst for your creative concepts for your photography website.

Who owns the best photography websites?

  • Amy Lombard - An excellent documentary photographer and storyteller.

  • Bryan Minear - One of the best landscape photographers in the game.

  • Phil Penman - A superb fine art street photographer.

  • Brett Stanley - A leading name in the underwater photography niche.

  • TiBA - A photographer of the people who understands the authenticity of humanity.

The best photography websites: Amy Lombard

I first connected with Amy when I interviewed her for Inside the Photographers Mind, a podcast I used to host for The Phoblographer. Although via video call, I remember her fashion choices and the way she designed her home; Lombard is clearly someone who pays attention to detail.

As a photographer she’s awesome. She delivers imagery that’s full of energy, vibrancy and light. Her website is full of a similar energy, laced with motion, stills and the identity she has carved out for herself. And, although action packed, it’s not overwhelming. Lombard has struck the perfect balance between offering a lot, without offering too much.

The best photography websites: Bryan Minear

Firstly, can I just say Bryan Minear is such a solid dude. My interactions with him have been some of the smoothest I’ve had in the photography industry. His work is mind blowing too. It’s landscape photography, but the kind that hits the gym; it’s strong, it’s powerful. I love it, and so do many others too.

In my interview with Minear I had to ask him about his website. He told me, “My personal branding is something that I’ve always felt should be elevated on the same level as the work”. I personally love the positioning of his images. Each photograph is where it needs to be as part of his larger story. Being able to flip between light and dark mode gives it that extra spark too.

The best photography websites: Phil Penman

We’ve gone on photo walks in London and drank in New York. In my book, Phil Penman is a friend. But, there can be no bias in putting him in an article of the best photography websites. Friends or not, the class and finesse you see in his fine art street photography is also alive and strong in his website, making it impossible to exclude him from this selection

His logo is one of the main attractions. Rather than going for a standard template, he has a custom made signature that resembles the prestige of writing with a Fountain pen. Seldom do I see elsewhere what is perhaps Penman’s finest feature: The viewing room. Think of it as a digital exhibition that focuses on a series of work. A nice touch to an already excellent photography website.

Brett Stanley: The underwater photographer

Brett Stanley has one of the most unique portfolio’s you’re likely to see in the current era. His underwater imagery is pure magic and gives a whole different twist on portrait photography. From maternity photo shoots to fantastical storytelling through portraiture, his work hits all the sweet creative spots.

His website has a larger than life feel to it. His images, automatically free flowing like the water in which he places his subjects. It’s art. Pure art. Check out his blog too. It’s so beautifully crafted and filled with an abundance of great content.

TiBA: The people photographer

TiBA is a documentary photographer from Brazil and bases himself between NYC and Bali. I fell in love with his black and white documentary photography and his ability to photograph people in their most authentic form. Like others in this article, he pays a lot of attention to detail and this is reflected in the moments he spots and then immortalizes with his camera.

It’s also reflective of his website. The powerful red dominates his color theme, without taking anything away from his even more powerful imagery. I especially love the fonts he uses through his site. They’re creative, far from mundane , but don’t feel like a gimmick whatsoever.

Signing off

Hopefully, the photographers above will offer enough inspiration to help you think about your identity on your website. If (like me) you don’t have the graphic design skills, it’s possible to work with talented designers on the likes of Fiverr or Upwork. I appreciate we have to factor in budgets, but if it’s there, investing in your brand identity will surely help you get a good return on your investment.

What do you think the best photography websites are? Do you have some tips on how to give more life to a photography website? Let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading.


What website builder do most photographers use?
Popular website builders for photographers include Format, Squarespace and Wix. None of them require coding experience and they’re known for being the easiest website builders for photographers.

Is it worth having a website for photography?
Absolutely! Having a personal photography website gives you full control over what content you can share. You also don’t have to bow to the demands of social media algorithms either.

What is the best social media for photographers?
As the likes of Instagram and TikTik focus heavily on video, it’s becoming harder to know which is the best social media for photographers. Threads has become a new home for many photographers, as has independent social media platforms such as Foto and PortraitMode.

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